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Book online «Grave consequence by cama seeney (best english novels to read .txt) 📖». Author cama seeney

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centermeters from my face, I lunged to the side blocked with my right arm and twisted my hips into the movement of hitting the back of his ribs. 


A rush of breath left his body 'what did i do wrong?' He asked taking a stepp back and taking a relaxed position, before I could answer he had already pushed my right arm away and placed his own hit on the muscle under my shoulder, my breath also left me leaving me winded. 'Didn't breathe out after the first hit.' He nodded 'you should always relieve yourself of breath after hitting out and comming close with someone being winded is not a good thing to feel during a fight. You need to be able to think seconds before your attacker not wasting your time wishing for air.' He told me strictly. 


He had changed since we started fighting, no more did we joke or laugh. Every day was fighting - defence or attack, defence or attack. I knew deep down he was saving my life but I missed the old him .


'Name the bodies week spots' he ordered suddenly throwing a puch at me I blocked and began to answer 'temple' block push attack 'throat' attack, block 'solar plexis' block, attack 'lower ribs kidneys' attack, block 'groin' I said with an evil grin. I kicked out at his kidney which he easily blocked with his arm. 'Knees'. 'Why?' He asked aiming a kick for my head, I ducked and kicked out at his anckles which he quickly jumped over. 'Winding, disorintating, breaking.' I list off taking a step to the side and blocking, i then jabbed him twice in the back before jumping back. 


Finally the queen joins us in the land of the living

I dragged my sweaty body into lunch hall and sat down and waited for Sam to bring us food - it had become habbit now. Gabby pulled a horrible face at my appearence and pushed her food away, my laughter shocked everyone at the table. 'What people sweat, I'm human. Or so i think...' I trailed off with another laugh smiling softly at Sam with thanks. 


'Finally the Queen joins us mere peasents in the land of the living, how gracious of you... Your grace.' Cas remarked cockily, 'get off your high horse before I behead you for treason mere peasent.' I giggled enjoying myself for the first time in days. I felt alive. 


Cas snorted at me and threw a green bean from Lillys plate at me, In return I threw cabbidge at him. It landed on his head and i laughed so hard tears grew combersom in my eyes making them itch. I watched as the cabbidge slowly trailed down his face leaving a trail of gravy. 'What have I missed... Oh.' Nyx trailed off as he bent over laughing too, Lilly bumped into him and she too began laughing, snorted and then giggled. 'Savages' Gabby muttered before leaving the table. 'Her magesty doth protest.' I told Cas with a smirk, he watched Gabby with an idetical smirk and quickly began pelting her back with peas she turned around with a murdrous expresion. Fire quickly appeared in her hand which she wasted no time throwing it at his laughing form. I stood up and gave her my own murdrous glare, my power reached out to hers and battered her energy. Nothing could beat the power of the deacest, for a part of us was already dead. Buddy growled menicenly at her taking a step forward, saliver foamed in his mouth making him look crazed. 


He seemed to grow three times his size, she stood there looking pleadily at her brother who quickly looked away. 'This is not his battle to fight.' I murmered at her, my power still forcing her to back down. 'Nor is it yours.' She screamed at me, I laughed again. 'Oh but this has been a long time coming Gabby, stand down before you break a nail. You know where you stand now leave peacefully.' Sam muttered sounding bored. 


She looked at him utterly shocked, looks won't protect you when you take a step too far. She quickly left the room shoes clicking and hair floating I chuckled and rained my power back in. 'What was that?' He asked touching the air above my skin. I giggled nervously, 'Well it's a trick my mother taught me, it usually scares the ghosts away I just asumed she felt it cause shes an elemantal. It's kinda like visulizing your power and throwing it at her or him usually scares them off.' I told him he made a hmm'ing sound in the back of his throat curiously. 'I think we all felt it Cinderella.' He told me chucking softly.  Cas looked at me with lengthened canines, I had almost forgot he didn't eat real food but drank blood and had the tools of a monster. 


But don't we all?


He grinned his toothy smile at me and in responce I smiled back, it was the first time I'd ever seen him go all vamp. From what I learned the sun barely affected them, thought they got their power from the night and blood. Much like me and death. 


The monsters that hid under your bed was allways you, I told you. 


I cringed at my own inner voice, she was right. I was more of a monster than Cas he drank donated blood I raised zombies and sent Ghosts in to dementions I didn't know where perfectly safe. I was assured once that Cas had never touched the blood of a human from their veins - I couldn't claim the same innocence. I sighed and left with a nod. I led down on my stomach at the edge of the forest, the lowering sun warming my freezing heart. Buddy led across from me and looked into my eyes curiously. His eyes seemed to scream that I was innocent. That I wasn't the monster I thought I was, but my uncle proved him wrong. My blood, my family, me. We were all eveil, death dooers. 


Evil do as evil does. 


I snorted and looked into Buddys eyes, his presence reminded me that I wasn't a monster. I went out in the pitches of black and saved his life even as the hunters that chased him were closing in. I saved animals lives once, and I would one day take down my uncle. 


I promise you mother, I will make your death right. 


How is murdering someone right? Killing is wrong, she may have run from him my life protecting me but she never killed anyone. How could I so eaisly agree to do something?


Because evil do as evil does. 


To rid the world of evil there has to be someone who takes them out. 


But who takes out you? Murder is still murder.



I knew that stupid inner voice of mine was right but wasn't at assisting him to murder others if i let him live? Taking one life is nothing in comparision of taking hundreds. I am not a monster.


No, but you will become one sweet Cinderella. Innocent to the eyes but cold and heartless inside. 


I snorted, I could never win a war against myself. Civil wars never go well. 

Falling under

 I must have fallen asleep because when I next opened my eyes I found Sam standing infront of me, his hand shaking my arm gently. 'How long have I been out?' I ask looking up into the sky, the sun was still setting though it looked dim and dingy. 'Half an hour maybe, I didn't want my little training buddy getting sick in the rain.' He told me grinning stupidly, 'I lived outside for almost two months, you think I ran inside when it rained? Or bought food when it was scarse? I was hunted by a man claming to know me, claming he owed me. I moved and I never stopped, never looked back  Sam. Lack of sleep, food, shelter doesn't both me. When I was alone I came rabid, i was so hungry once I ate a rabbit raw... it was gross.' I admited almost gagging at the memory. 'You act so normal, so unscarred by everything. I forget whats happened to you, sorry Ella.' He told me sitting by me, 'you told me I'm normal. That's one thing you'll never have to appoligise for. Thankyou Sam I really needed to hear someone say that.' I told him smiling a sad loney smile. 


You're still rabbid,


Well atleast I am something, being nothing sucks.


I love your mask, 


it excites me knowing that I wear it too.


I rolled my eyes mentally, I'm normal not even I can ruin this one.


My inner termoil was driving me mad...


Too late for that my friend... 


I'm not you're friend. 


Great now I'm talking to it. Her. Me. Ugh I'm so confused. 


I'm normal

 I'm normal I mutter to myself as I run through the woods with sam at my side his paw padding softly beside buddies... 


So... I guess I should explain myself huh. 


Sam rolled to his feet, crouching infront of me 'come on my little surviver I guess it's time we take the veil from your eyes.' He told me with a sigh, I knew what he meant I just didn't want to admit it to myself. So far all I had witnessed from these 'monsters' were a pair of fangs and a fire ball part of me knew deep down that I was the death dealer, I was the real monster -  the only aboniation here. 


I told you so... 


My inner voice sneered at me, I laughed internally you can't bring me down anymore than I am. I have fallen and been kicked, you think you will destroy me? Make a fool of me? Break me? Shut me down? Try again princess you have nothing on me.



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