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Book online «Grave consequence by cama seeney (best english novels to read .txt) 📖». Author cama seeney

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Buddy handing a very supprized Sam a rabbit, he chucked and patted him on the head. 'Never go underware shopping for me again.' I told him blushing, he chuckled. 'Didn't fit?' He asked curiously almost looking disapointed. I shot him a look, 'The oppisite actually' I repplied annoyed. 


'Why did it have to be you?' I complained sitting with my back against a tree. 'Well you're talking to me now thats a plus.' He replied. 'What is this place?' I asked but my growling stomach interuprted him, he chucked and offered me a hand up. 'Common I'll see if i can whip you somthing up.' He told me, he looked down at his hand a chucked before throwing it gently to Buddy. Who began instatly eating the poor rabbit. 


I didn't bother telling Buddy to stay I knew he wouldn't, I followed Sam to this flat topped milatary looking building. 


Understanding evil

 The building had a set of doubble doors that led into a plain white building with eight tables scattered around systematcially. The chiars were neatly tucked under the tables, a lady stood putting food onto plates equally and handed us too without question. 


Mine was filled with meat and veg after she had a good look at me and sams the same, she tusked at me after we left. I looked at sam confused, 'Make sure she eats it all Samuel.' The lady ordered kindly. Hmm.. 


We sat on the eighth table and began eating eventually people began eating, i knoticed that my doorm all sat together in comfortable silence, all tables had six people sitting at them and most stared at me or their food. It was good or maybe I'd just gone without a decent meal in so long. I waited for Sam to finish eating, He looked around twenty whilst the others here all looked to be 18 or younger. Maybe I did fit in here. 


'Which table did you sit at?' I asked he looked at me for a second before answering. 'Same as you two years back' he replied slowly. 'Why was the head confused as to where to place me?' I asked confused. 'Your diffrent from the weres, witches, elementals and vamps. Never had a Necro here' He replied. 'You don't eactly fit in with the stardard weres, vamps or witches.' He replied. 'What about the elementals?' I asked not quite understanding what or who they were. 'Well i suppose you could have fit in with them, Neros are a kind of spirit element. But they can only comunicate with Ghosts that want to talk or summon them, but as i saw before you are bothered by the ones you dont want to comunicate with.' He replied. 'Doesn't that just make me less practiced?' I asked confused. 'No, it means your essence calls to them more, your stonger. Much stonger.' He replied thoughtfully. 'So why Seven?' I asked again. 'Well there are two Alphas, two fire Elementals and a Vamp.' He replied. Ahh Casper because hes Pale, a vamp then?


I wonder if he drinks blood, I had heard there were others like me, but I never imagioned I'd actually be in a place like this. 'Can you guess who's who?' He asked smiling. 'Lilly and Nyx are Alphas? Cas is a Vamp and Gav and her sister Gabby are the elementals.' I replied quizically. He nodded excited, 'Welldone, can you tell me which ones which?' He asked waving at the tables. 'The hippy colourful table is the Elementals, they're all in blue, yellow, green and black.' No red hmm. 'Thoes in dark clothes, now all looking directly at me are Vamps. The move too quick and are drinking not really eating.' I pointed out. I looked to the third table 'Weres? They don't really have a dress code more off less clothes as possible but in a decent manner, they're all devouring meat as rare as they can have it.' I answered. 'And the Witches maybe? There all dark clothed very black but full of elctrical energy.' I replied. 'And anouther weres tables, anouther vamps and I dont know about that table they aren't like the rest? Look like a mix between elements and Witches.' I replied. 'Two were tables, Two vamp tables, an elementals table, a wizard and a witches table though they tend to mix but they are dormed diffrently. There is no light and dark the Wizard and Witches are very competative against each other and there magic is taught and practiced in diffrent ways. And last but not least the table for the Alpha's, soon to be King Vamp and top Elementals, there used to be a Witch who was stonger than all of thoes witches but she has completed her studies, and you little Necormancer.' He told me smiling proudly. 


'I'm going to take a guess and say theres never been a Necro- ugh that word sounds dirty - here before.' I tailed off sounding bored, so they can teach me exactly nothing about my 'gifts'. 'Incorect. Both your mother and uncle practiced here for a while.' When he said uncle he snarled, wolf or vamp? Vamp would be too dark hes a were. 


'Why did my mother leave?' I asked, he shrugged. 'It was said that she was much stonger than him and he didn't like it. They had a big rivarly going. He lived to prove he was better than her, or so it's said.' He shrugged again. 'And it's smart taking me here why? Especially since he's been here before...' I trailed off. 'Because there are very strong forces keeping evil and all the Blah.' He replied looking bored, 'Wow I love to know my safety is Blahh to you.' I told him snorting.  


'So you don't think the higest number of supernaturls in a comunity can protect you?' He snapped looking angry. 'I just know that word spreads, I also know that my so called uncle is evil. Whats to stop any of these people going dark?' I asked just as angry, 'I was safer where no one knew where i was.' He sighed, 'If I tracked you, whats to say others hadn't?' I replied sadly. 'Why does everything that he's, that I'm so powerful? I can see ghosts so what?' I asked tiredly. 'Becuase you can control the dead, I saw what you did to that ghost you ordered it away, you could make thousands of ghosts or even bodies do that.' He replied looking worried.


'So why hasn't he?' I asked confused. 'The witches of the great coven had your mother trap him and they took his powers, they are too powerful for him to attack alone, he will either try to get you on his team and steal your powers or take them anyway and kill you to punish thoes who took his.'


I snorted, 'He can have them, they're a pain in the ass anyway.' I snarkily replied, the room went completly silent. 'Really Ella do you not understand what he could do with them?' He asked, i shook my head more than a little scared. 'Why don't they just bind my powers?' I asked, he shook his head before I even finished talking.  


 'They could I suppose, your mother wanted them to do the same thing for her. But she found out she was pregnant with you, the risks were too high. She wouldn't risk death with you growing inside her.' He told me as if reciting from a book or somthing. I laughed 'you think i care about dying? Take them.' I told him almost exictedly. 


'No, the power must remain in you, if you are to protect yourself you will need them. If your powers were sealed away they would simply be stolen. Maybe by your uncle maybe some other power hungry jerk.' He informed me gravely. 


I sighed, 'there's just no winning here is there.' He chuckled and stood up, 'go to bed, your classes will start tomorrow.' He told me softly as the others left. 'Are you staying?' I asked i didn't know if it was with hope or what but he was the only person to ever sit me down and explain anything to me as if i mattered. 'Yup who do you think is going to kick your ass into shape?' He asked me grinning like a fool. 'Ugh friends i could handle but my teacher? You just know how to get on my nerves sam.' I told him annoyed. 


His bright eyes sparked 'Friends oh dalrin no im here to be your worst enemy. I groned and dragged my tired body back to my shared room and curled into bed, sometime in the night Buddy and Lilly joined us. I smiled as I felt there gently buzzes of power dull to a low buz. Buddy led exaclty in the middle of the room protecting us both. I went back to sleep with a bright smile on my face.

Understanding life

I woke up to both Lilly and buddy jumping on me, I groaned and turned over ignoring them both. I knew Sam and Nyx were coming before i even attempted to open my eyes. 'Morning Cinderella.' Sam called out laughter filling his voice. I was given a second before freezing cold water was thrown on me, jokes on them. 


I snuggled further into the bed and went back to snuggling. 'She's been living outside for a long time, should have known that wouldn't work. 'Ofcourse it wouldn't I was already awake.' I replied annoyed, Someone laughed as i sat up in bed. 'What?' I asked annoyed. 'Nothing just everytime I see you your hairs a mess, gotta tone that shit down kid.' Sam retorted. 


'I will bite you.' Was my only reply, 'Oh darling I'm a were, don't you know I'm into that?' He asked chucking, Lilly shooed them out and I quickly changed into three qourter length black joggers and a black tank top. It was going to be anouther socrtcher. Lilly handed me a pair of dark green high tops, anouther gift from Sam I guessed. 


I had size three feet but the shoes fit well, how does he guess so well? Ugh that idiot, i quickly brushed my hair and began braiding it as i walked from the room.



I walked into the Cafateria and this time Buddy followed us, Sam grabbed two wares meals and I grabbed what ever the lady handed me, a full english breakfast with a smoothe for energy, I could tell right then today was going to be hard. 


Sam dragged the spare table

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