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Book online «Grave consequence by cama seeney (best english novels to read .txt) 📖». Author cama seeney

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Face ache.

 I later walked into the eatting hall with paint covering my hair, face and neck. I sat down with an annoyed expression I hadn't even bothered to grab my food I was that bone tired. Lilly skipped to the table happily and stopped when she saw me, she quickly placed her arm around me and shot who ever was behind me an evil look. 'Don't mind them, fist day me 'n Nyx were here he came out covered in paint. We all have.' She told me sweetly, I just yawned in resonce and smiled my thanks. 


'I'd have thought you would have more energy bein' on the run so long...' Gabby told me sounding sickly sweet, she snorted like she didn't believe me. 'Well with a whole group of hunters on your ass you tend to travel at night.' I retorted annoyed, she had no idea what I'd been through. Her lips made an O but she quickly took on an expressionless state again, ohh the ice queen is upset oh dearest me. 


Buddy stalked towards her growling fearcily, I whistled softly and he didn't move a muscle I looked clostly at her face, her mask almost dropped and I almost smiled. 'Here.' Sam handed me and Buddy our plates but i just pushed mine away I had already eaten my body was bruised and saw it couldn't take much more. 


Sam looked at me with growing concern but began eating his own meal, I watched him for a while and then began nibbling on my own. It was strange being up in the day and eating twice already but I tried my hardest in the end Sam handed Buddy my food and gave me anouther milkshake. 'The protein, vitamins and minerals should help.' He told me quietly as the others left. I nodded and half smiled at him before drinking half and placing it back on the table. 


'Whats next?' I asked with a yawn, he tilted his head up at me and shrugged. 'Question time?' He asked he was going easy on me and I knew it. I hated him for it but I knew I couldn't take anymore, sadly he did too. My body could handle running every day but getting thrown about was something else entirely, every muscle burned. 





I'd like to say that we had a good little chat about our ansetory but truth be told after the question, which i didn't even remember asking I was snoring - or not I've never really asked anyone if I snored. 


'Hey Gabb is it possible to give a guy a hard on whist kissing?' Someone asked, 'Dude that's my sister' Gav muttered disgusted, I opened my eyes with a confused chuckle. 'What about you Ella?' Cas asked me grinning a full toothed smile, 'Entirely dependent of on the age of the guy and how desperate he is.' I replied rolling my eyes, their was a corous of Ohhh's around the table.


'So whats your hit list number?' Nyz asked sounded just as desperate as Cas had. 'Well I could tell you none and you'd think I was a Fridge, or ten and you would think I was easy. At the same time I could tell you a small number and I'd be more respectable. But if I only slept with one person you'd call me inexperenced. So Imma not give you a number and your gonna quit askin.' I told him stirnly, 'Ahh but Cinderella one key that openes multipul doors is handy whilst a lock that is opened by many keys is useless.' He corrected me with a wink. 'Or maybe society should judging people so much on what they do in their personal lifes and worry more about themselves.' I told him hotly, 'Well if you told us then it would be our concern now wouldn't it.' Cas replied with a wickid grin. 'Remind me to never tell you anything ever.' I told Cas with a short laugh, Lilly walked over with a happy smile plastered on her face. 'What are you talking about?' She asked, 'Politics,' I replied before anyone else could, 'do you think people should be concerned about whos is in THEIR contries or more concerned as the world as a whole? When did the colour of our skin become more inportant to thoes starving or the animals drowning because of global warming.'


I rambled on hoping desperatly it all made sence, 'Brownies raded my closet last night, well i thought it was a raid till I caught them doing the dirty. The Lady brownie was so distraught she farted a rainbow right there and then. They scrambled away and left me their pot of gold in appology.' Sam informed me with a grin. 'I can see where your coming from but you can't just fix the world in a day Ella, sometimes lots of people working in seperate areas will prevent to many cooks in the kitchen.' I suppose she made sence but that didn't mean racism or being decriminated for anything was right. 


I tuned out the rest of the conversation whilst chewing on rabbit food, maybe the cheif thought eating big bulky meals wasn't working, she was right. If i felt too full I would try and eat as much fruit as was avalible to me, long lasting energy and 90% water or something. Do Brownies really exist? I can except Vamps, weres ect but cant except... my head hurt. 


I stood up as soon as I was finsihed and adressed the whole table, 'Your wrong one person canno't house or feed all of the homeless, that one person cannot provide everything and get nothing. You need a product to make by products, a world can do that. If every single person on this world worked to stop abuse, hunger, homelessness - there would be less illnesses around to treat. Every person on the world needs a certain amout of care or she will die. Imagion a whole contrie not getting the right amout of care what happens then? Did you know its the bee's that support our living, they ensure the flowers grow. They are the primary consumed food. Without them were nothing, If we thought more like a comunity and relied on each other i personally believe we'd live in a better world.' I walked away after that, Sam's cackled laughter followed me in my wake 'Is it me or is she getting more ballsy?' Cas asked I assumed with his signature smirk. 


Sighing I left the hall and sprinted off finally feeling energised, I needed to see what happens here. See its secrets and hidden horros. It was time to find me a Ghost. 

Alone again

I sprinted into the place I called home for a long time, the woods were dark haunted almost. Like they'd seen too much. A little like myself I suppose.  I recalled my nights alone in places like this, I was terrified my ears straning to hear an attack that never came. Eyes bouncing along the dark devris sourounding me, every creak and whip of the wind making my heart beat until I felt like it would break my ribs. 


That's enough focus on the task at hand. I mentally scolded myself, this forest wasn't dark or dingy. It was light and open, but looks could be deciving. This forest was far more dangrous than any of the others I had walked or ran through. Before I had a destination, now I was looking for danger. For signs of anything that was tainted. 


Stop thinking and act. 


A deep inner voice whispered to me, your not alone. You never were. 


I shivered and put on a splirt of speed. Leaping over the fallen log I landed with bent knees and my heart beating widly, finally I felt free. 




I learched forward and dug my feet into the soft soil below my feet, looking around wildly I found nothing. The dingy light only allowed shawdows and close objects to be seen. There were rocks and twigs hazidously thrown around, the greens were dark instead of light and welcoming here. Something felt off. 


Hes here. 


Who, who's here? I asked my self - well this strange inner voice. I turned slowly searching for this imfmous him, where was he? Who was he? Was I going insane?


 And then I felt it, the energy of the dead. 


'Hello?' I called out uncertainly. I could feel his energy raining down on me, who was he and why was he so powerful? He was nothing I had ever felt before, 'Hello.' He replied cheerfully, slowly walking towards me. He was older than me by a few years maybe. His dark hair and eyes gave off an urethral affect, the smile crinckles around his eyes and mouth how ever implied he smiled alot when he was alive. 


'What can you tell me about this place?' I asked him walking slowly to his paused form, the closer I got the more his power beat over me. 'Everything.' He replied walking back slowly, I flicked my hand in an impaitent go ahead sign. 'Ah - Ah young one, first I need something from you.' He told me mysteriously. 


'Yes, yes I'll tell your family your sorry and Blar Blar.' I informed him with a role of my eyes, this was getting old already, who knew if he even knew anything. His laughter boombed around me, 'don't be so quick to judge of what is expected from you.' His cackle turned evil something was off about this man. 


'Expected? You can't make me do anything your dead. You maybe be powerful but that means nout to the dead.'I replied worried who knew what he could do, never had I came across anything this powerful that was dead. 


'Now now, I've come along way to see you. Your energy is really something.' I sighed this guy needed to quit talking in

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