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Book online «Grave consequence by cama seeney (best english novels to read .txt) 📖». Author cama seeney

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he went to hit my dog again and I stood up angrily. 'I said stop.' I shouted, he froze and looked at me. 'Manifest.' I ordered.



He took form in front of me, knowing he had my full attention. 'Leave and don't be rude to others like me, we will not help you.' I scolded.



The others looked at me strangely, too them I would have sat there saying random words and maybe not even in english. Way to make knew friends.


'I know someone who can help you.' Sam spoke quietly, his face blank. Oh pooh, he thinks i'm crazy. 'Lovely meeting you guys but I need to go.'


I replied standing up, Buddy ran to my bag and picked it up in his mouth. I couldn't believe the size of him he really was growing up into a real dog. I smiled happily at him. 'Necromancer, medium, ghost whisperer, physic. Your kind has many names, I would like to hear how you gained the trust of a hunter's dog but for now you're coming with us.' He ordered me, he didn't hold a gun to my head but it surely felt like one. I sighed and followed them, I was eventually bustled into a truck where a blindfold was placed over my head but thankfully they left Buddy alone, after the blindfold they left us alone.



I counted for a long time, the numbers hit the thousands before we arrived at where ever it was that we arrived. 'Why did you bring her here, all of the Hunters are searching for her.' An angry voice shouted, I flinched and clung to Buddy knowing I was safe with him. 'She is just a girl farther, tomorrow we will take her to the institute where she will be trained like the others.' Sam replied with ease, 'she isn't like the others,' the man replied angrily. 'Yes you are right, she isn't she is his blood and could help stop this war.' I whimpered who were these people and what did they want with me?

New beginings

I was fed and left to rest in a bed that felt like god himself had created it, Buddy led on me instead of beside but I needed the confort. 


When I awoke Sam and his farther stood side by side. 'We are taking you to a place where you can learn what you are and how to control it.' Sam told me smiling smuggly, they both looked tired neither looked like they slept much. 'I'm eighteen, I'm not going back to school.' Ha like they could make me, sam rolled his eyes 'I guess you'll fit right in then.' I don't like him. 


I didn't speak for the whole three hour journey there, eventually we aproached a very old looking building but it was in good condition. An elderly looking woman walked out of the premisis looking snobby as you can get, I hated it here already. 


'Ella Jones' She called happily, oh so you know who I am that's nice. 'Oh would you like Ella Smith? Maybe Ella Johonson or maybe Briella Rosen.' She finsihed, Awh balls how did she know that one? 


I tilted my head at her and Buddy did the same growling slightly. I grinned and put my hand on his head telling him we were okay for now. He stopped growling as soon as my skin touched his, the snobby woman looked at us in amazement. 


'Well now I wonder how this happened?' She wondered aloud, how what happened Buddys just a dog? 'She will be in dorm Seven with the others.' She told Sam looking else where and not really paying attention, 'are you sure thats wise?' Sam asked watching her intently. 'No,' she chucked 'but it will have to do.' She replied walking away smuggly, I followed Sam angrily and walked ahead when I saw a big seven above the door. He sighed but walked away and left me to it. 


It looked like a grounds keepers house, but as soon as I walked in I saw three bedrooms, all immaculately clean and a bathroom on the end. I sighed again there was no personal effects anywhere how would I know which bed was mine? 


A gril came strolling out of the bathroom with a suprised look on her face 'You new?' She asked I shrugged I suppose i was. 'Are you sure your not in the wrong dorm, you don't exactly look like you belong here.' I shrugged, who knew where I really should be right now. 


'Not much of a talker, huh?' She asked and then looked down at Buddy and gulped. 'Why do you have a hunters Daemon?' she asked shaking. 'His names Buddy.' I replied placing my hand on his back this time, he looked uneasy, his eyes searched mine looking for answers. 'Find my bed.' I told him, he stretched and went about smelling the two beds in each room he came back to me and shrugged before sneezing. The girl giggled and then slowly aproached him, she held out her hand and stroked him unsurley. 


Her waste lengh black hair and Pixi nose made her look sweet and dark at the same time, she was shorter than me by a good few inches and very slender. 'My names Lilly' she told me walking into the first room ' I guess you'll be my new room mate' She told me smiling and pointed to the bed on the left side of the room. 'Ella or Briella Rosen if you really want to know who i am.' I said chuckling to myself, Buddy suddenly stiffened and barked a warning before a Very tall muscular guy walked in. 'Hey caz meet Ella she new' Lilly shouted excitedly, Caz froze mid step and stared a Buddy for a second before taking my apparence in. 'Hi... I'm Casper.' He replied, 'Briella, you speak to Ghosts?' I asked excited. 'No' he snorted 'what about you Briella you a witch?' He asked curiously, 'something like that.' I mummbled, he grinned like he figured something out and walked down into the end room. 


'You really a witch?' Lilly asked excitedly, I shrugged not really wanting to explain much of anything. I didn't know these people, who or what they were. Funny that isn't it being weird yourself and not trusting others are strange like you. 


'Hey Lil,' A girl and a guy walked in and from their apperance you'd say they were twins, doubblegangers almost it was strange. 'I'm Gavin and this is my sister Gabby.' said the guy twin, his sister gave me the once over before walking into the middle room. They were both incredibly tall with firey red hair and freckles. 


Lastly came in anouther guy, he had short almost black hair and the same dark sparkling eyes that Lilly had. He looked annoyed but stopped in his tracks when he saw me and Lilly, he must have been 6ft6 maybe he was massive. Buddy growled at him and shoved Lilly behind him, I smiled down at him for a second before looking at the chizzled offender. 


'Buddy, shoo.' She giggled and ran to the guy 'this is my brother Nyx - it means of the night.' She said smily proudly. I nodded and clicked my finger and pointed at the flot next to me, Buddy ran and sat where I pointed i never took my eyes off Nyx. 'What are you?' He asked sounding angry, 'She's a witch.' Lilly replied excitedly. 'No, your not.' He rumbled taking a step towards me, 'You said you were a kind of witch?' Lilly said turning to me looking sad. 'Yea I suppose I am. Sam called me a necromancer...' I trailed off with a confused expression, Lilly's eyes widdened and Nyx took a step towards me. 'Ever contacted any family.' I snorted, 'yea course cause you can do that.' I replied angrily. 'So you tried?' He asked sounding intrequed. 'Yes.' I replied shortly. 'Who?' He asked. 


'My mother.'  I replied in a clipped tone, 'How long ago did she...?' He trailed off. 'Febuary.' I replied, 'Three months ago? Why wait that long?' He asked. I turned around shocked, 'Whats the date?' I asked quietly. 'May twnetith.' He replied looking curious. 'A month a whole month...' I trailed off looking at Buddy no wonder he looked so much bigger. 


'How long have you been alone?' Lilly asked touching my arm gently, I looked into her dark eyes with sorrow in my own. 'Please excuse me.' Was all i replied, I walked out of the room with my bag and into the bathroom. Looking in the bathroom mirror was more than a little suprising. 



A new me.


My light blond hair was matted to hell, my pale skin was still after a month living outside. Well thats strange. Cutts scattered over my face and arms, i pulled my shirt up and found my body gaunter than ever before. I had lost so much weight, my dark grey eyes looked scared and grave.  I turned the shower on and shed the rest of my clothes, a whole bottle of shampoo and conditioner later I finally felt clean. I styaed in the warm spray for a few minuets affter all the dirt had washed away.


My hair was begining to untangle, I searched in my bad for anything clean but found nothing. I sighed and wrapped my body in one of the towls that were neatly folded on the towel rack. I quickly washed Buddy and then rushed back into my room whist buddy ran around outside searching for some food and getting dry. 


'Erm Lilly?' I called rounding the corner, she and her brother were both sat in the room talking quietly. 'Erm I kinda need some clothes or well anything.' I told her embaraced. I didn't go down stairs in just a shirt let alone just a towel at Sarahs. The blush must have shown on my face because she rushed her brother out of the room. 


'Victoria, the head mistress is sending you some clothes down as soon as she finds things to fit, what are your sizes?' She asked. 'Erm Eight in teeshirts, ten in trousers and a 32D.' I replied blushing again I was telling some fifteen your old girl my boob size... 'She said your foster mother put all your things in storage and shoud be here tomorrow.' Lilly called from the hallway where the phone was. Half an hour later Sam returned with bags of 'essential' things. 


I quickly changed into the black black jeans and white / grey teeshirt and walked out to find

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