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Book online «Grave consequence by cama seeney (best english novels to read .txt) 📖». Author cama seeney

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riddles. 'Just tell me what you want.' I retorted angrily, and with that he was grinning like a maniac again. 


'Come raise the dead...' He whispered, fog seemed to sorround me, it was almost choking. I needed to find the way out of here and fast. I took a step back and didn't stop moving but never did he, I fell over the log I had recently leaped over. I needed to get out of here and fast, I stood up and sprinted in a random direction.


The trees flew by, as did the patches of sun. I was soon left in darkness, I grinned at this. The dark I could handle. My body never stopped moving, running, dodging and leaping, I soon heard Buddy's footsteps beside me and some how in the middle of no where I felt at home. This is what I did. 


I turned seconds before I slammed full pelt into a oncomming tree, zigzagging became instinct weeks ago. 'Come raise the dead' thoes words alone made me shiver in disgust and want. Some part of me wanted to raise the dead, I didn't even know if I could do it but something deep down in me - some evil part wanted in. 


I soon run through patches of light that lasted longer than the others, Buddy yipped gleefully as we finally broke away from the dense forest and back into the open land where all the buildings were. I bent over to catch my breath and fell on my ass laughing. Well that wasn't strange at all. 


I laughed again and led back closing my eyes and basking in the sun, sighing I felt at peace. I needed that run. I won't be ordered to do something by anyone especially some creepy dead guy. And thats where Sam found me, laughing hysterically at my little adventure. 



Secrets told and whispered in the dead of the night

 'So he wanted you to what?' He asked with a chuckle, I sung 'Come raise the dead with meeee' and we both cracked up again. 'Do you know what he looks like? Maybe we should look into who he is before we even consider raisin' anyone.' I shrugged and looked at him strangly, 'I don't even know if i can raise the dead my mother never showed me.' I trailed off slowly, 'well it's time to hit the books Briella.' The joking tone was still in his voice, it always was but he never called me my real name. I nodded understanding his seriousness. 


'Got any good sketchers?' I asked raising an eyebrow, 'One' I rolled my eyes as his grin stretched well this wasn't going to be good now was it. He led me back to the Cabin we past mine and Lillys room and slowly passed the second room - where I let out the biggest breath of air. Sam knocked on Cas and Nyx's room once before entering I followed closely behind to find the two wrestling shirtless on the ground. 


'Up!' Sam half shouted in a comanding tone, even I wanted to get up and I was already standing. Both boys got to their feet grumbling and shoving one anouther, 'what now?' He asked the two, the both looked at each other before muttering diffrent things. 


Cas muttered 'Controler' whilst Nyx said something along the line of shower. 'Oh you wanted to watch the tv in the shower? Boys gotta tell you if you wanted to fry the toasters eaiser.' Sam muttered rolling his eyes. 'We were arguing over who gets the better game controler and who gets to shower first.' Nyx lied smoothly after sending Cas another glare. 'Cas go to the libary and grab everything you can find on the history of Necromancy. I'll go grab the schools leavers book and see if we can find a match. Nyx draw exactly what Ella tell's you too.' He marched out of the room dragging a glaring Cas with him. 


I sighed and sat on the floor with my head on my knee's 'Where do you want to start?' I asked as Nyx rummidged around the room for pen and paper. 'Eyes' He muttered, I slowly visulized his face in my mind and Explained the colourless eyes, the smiling lines and straight nose. I explained his small mouth with slightly crooked teeth. His straight dark hair that fell in his face. 


I started talking about his jaw but as I looked up there he stood behind Nyx holding a weight from in the room, noticing my attention he let go of it one finger at a time, I lurched forward and knocked Nyx out of the way. I winced as the weight fell on my shoulder. 'On three run.' I muttered looking straight into Nyx's confused face. 


He nodded as I slowly knelt and held out my hand towards him, his eyes went from my hand to behind my back. He jumped forward and caught something before it landed on me. 'Now would be good.' I muttered to him wincing at the pain in my shoulder. We both scrambled out of the room and legged it towards the libary.  



Secrets should stay secret.

 We sped through a random room and into anouther, I was running to fast for my eyes to comprehend what was happening. We barrled into the Libary only to be shot an evil look by an elderly woman standing behind a desk. Ceeling high book cases. It was eerily silent in here, we hurried through a maze of turns Nxy suddenly stopped so quickly I smashed into his back and fell on my already bruised butt. 


'You two finsihed?' Sam asked us brightly, 'well not exactly.' Nyx muttered shrugging his shoulders not quite looking at me. I stood up slowly and told Sam what happened. 'Intresting. Was the picture anything like the real thing?' He asked either of us. 'I didn't actually see him.' Nyx said looking confused, Sam gave him a well duhh expression and turned to me. 'Close.' I replied, nodding. 


'You two look through the records see if anything matches before we take any further action. He doesn't want us knowing his identity intresting.' He has a thing about saying intresting today, no it wasn't intresting my shoulder hurt. I grumbled somthing about throwing a weight at him before silently searching through the past resident's leavers book. 


Hours later we were all still sat there annoyed, 'NADA. Nothing. Ziltch.' I complained loudly, gaining a 'SHH' from somewhere in the room. 'Well no not nothing, we haven't checked teachers history.' Sam said cheerfully. In responce I threw a heavy book at him, he caught it eaisly without even looking up. 'Bloody supernaturals.' I complaied. 

Sweet, sweet nothing

 I'd like to say we found everything we needed to know, and found out he was harmless. Someone who truly wanted to help us. But truth comes to shove - we found nothing. He wasn't a student, a previous owner, a teacher, an employee. He was nothing. 


Back to plan I dont know Z maybe, we were going to hunt this sucker down and force him to tell us. And that ladys and gentlemen was the worst plan known to man, before we even left the building I knew it was a shockenly bad idea. You can't be expected to know the basis of anything after a day. 


I sighed, I knew little about the dead. You'd think a Necromancer would know everything about Ghosts and dead bodies or the inbtweens. Wrong, it wasn't like breathing or our natural instinct to grab things. Very, very wrong. The most I knew was how to banish a ghost but that was only for a short time, they always came back.  We, and by we I mean me Cas - Sam and Nyx, stood in a cemi circle lucky ole me was standing in the middle. 


'I call you Spirit come forth?' Even to my ears it was a question, I was shot with disbeliving looks an some of concern. Sighing I sat on the floor and closed my eyes, visulizing wasn't my stong suit but it would have to do, right. I described him to myself silently, working from his eyes to his jaw as I had done eariler. 'Come to me.' I whispered into the cold darkness sourounding me.


This time I visulized his whole body standing above my sitting form. My light hair in a long braid covering my face, my face down cast and eyes closed, I watched as the girl opened her eyes and lifted her head. Somewhere deep down I knew this girl was me. I gaspsed as my eyes opened, he stood before me looking furious. 


'What.' He snapped down at me, I stood up and dusted the dirt from my knees taking my time before meeting his cold dead eyes. 'Why are you here.' I asked him with the same kind of tone Sam spoke to the others with eairler. He cocked his hip and looked at me amused, 'Ohh look who has some juice.' He said with a laugh and turned to walk away. 'Stay.' The word was quite but he stoped moving away from me. 'Why are you here' I asked more firmly this time. He chuckled deeply, 'to kill you of course dear.' He took anouther step, this time towards me. 


'Oh my what big eyes you have' I muttered gulping down a nervous breath, I'm alive hes dead. I reminded myself nervously, yea and if you don't get answers your gonna join him. My brain snarkly reminded me. 'What is your name?' I asked taking alittle step away from him, my eyes wide and full of fear. Buddy stod next to me looking at teh form curiously. He was unsure too, not a good sign. 


He just grinned at me flashing more teeth than was

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