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Book online «Grave consequence by cama seeney (best english novels to read .txt) 📖». Author cama seeney

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natural. He wasn't giving me any answers at all, 'why do you want to kill me?' I asked tilting my head to the side. 'Well dearest, if you kill the Necromancer that raises your body you become alive again.' He told me with a merthful chuckle. I swallowed nervously, 'Raise me sweet necromacer, I will relieve you of your spiritly juties.' 


'By the farther, son and holy spirt I banish you.' I told him throwing salt at him, I used the knife to cut a thin line on my hand. It burned deeply as the blood left my hand. 'By salt and blood I comand you to leave.' I turned to the three of them grabbing the bandana out of Nyx's back pocket. It was a crimson red colour, he was wearing tight black jeans, and a well fitting dark tee-shirt. Even his shoes were black, the crimson bandana and deep blue eyes were the only colour on his person. A stretcher in his left ear and a black peircing on the left side of his bottom lip. His appearance was as dark as my expression, 'Ask no quesrtions and recieve no lies.' I muttered to myself as i walked away from the forest. Buddy was quickly on my heal, I made my way back to the libary and picked up the first necromancer book I found. 


'What are you looking for?' Cas asked me softly, all joking gone from his expression. I lifted my eyes too meet his dark ones, 'If I raise a body they can kill me and return to life.' I told him looking through the books, 'So what are you looking for?' He asked. 'Well if the books here read the same thing he must have came here at some point, I need to find out if every ghost knows this and if we can use it aginst my uncle. ' I muttered to myself and thoes around me. 


'What if he sent the ghost here?' Nyx asked curiously picking up a book too, 'could be his gaurd dog, waiting for a necro to come along and pull into a trap.' He muttered to himself as he searched the books. We spent most of the night looking for any mention on Necromancers death but came up with Nada. 


'So maybe he doesn't know?' I asked hopefully, 'who knows with that crazy coot. I need to see Victoria.' Sam said with a roll of his eyes, i noticed the bags under them and how the light no longer shined out of them. 'It can wait till morin Sam, lets all go to sleep.' I placed my hand on his arm and gently dragged him from the libary, the others had left a long time ago. I threw myself into my bed with a sigh and as soon as my head hit the pillow and my eyes were closed I was unconsious. Maybe even before. 

Yesterday is much like today and every other day

 We didn't talk; me, Nyx, Cas nor Sam everyone looked at us strangly. Lilly was practically begging to know what was happening. Sam didn't mention whether or not he had said anything or not to Victoria, I din't feel like asking. Instead in silence we trained. I didn't know what I was training for or if in the end it would help, I secretly wondered if the dead could kill me. Would they come back alive? Could I find my mother and comand her to kill me, could I bring her back?


These thoughts sickened me to my stomach, there was a time where I begged for the sweet release of death but something had always stopped me. At first it was my foster mother and family and then it was Buddy I wouldn't leave him alone. 


Surley he'd be happier with Lilly and her pack? No running no fighing... No me. 


I cursed at the evil voice speaking inside my head, it sounded like that mans voice - the one who proclamed to be my uncle. Blood may be thicker than water, but it was nothing without the water. There would be no blood. 


Take a breathe, we all need to breathe to survive. 


I felt the utter most survivers guilt; guilt for living, guilt for breathing, guilt for laughing and dragging thoes aorund me down, adding to their personal baggadge. I sighed, depression was a bitch. 


And so am I.


I thought snarkily, we faught for hours. We ran and stretched, the physical pain was nothing I barely felt it today. It was the mental and emotional that dragged me back, held me cursed in its cursed grasp. I needed to put it all behind me. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, and that when I felt it. Sams fist crashing against my head. The meaty sound of flesh hitting flesh was sickening. 


Dotts danced behind my closed eye lids. I opened my eyes again, Concentrate. I need to  get through this or I will never live a normal life. 


Does it really matter? 


I asked myself, as my body moved on pure instinct. My mind was racing in dizzying circles but my body was calm. 


Before the storm hit. 


I groaned at my own wastland of a mind, control your thoughts much like your breathing. Calm yourself and focus on the task at hand. That first hit was a real stinger, there was only so much a body can take before it will callopse. Doing so much excersise in the day was still a grave task for me, I had turned into such a night owl of recent. 



Over the week we changed weapons and figthing techniques. Today was some kind of fighting with big sticks, i snorted and quickly tried to hit Sam over the head. He shook his head at me, stepping out of my reach eaisly 'this requires skill and paitence. Not bordem or speed.' He informed me rolling his light eyes, I was sp used to him not talking that I jumped when he did. He raised and eye brow at me and even Buddy lifted his sleepy head to see what was occuring. 


He showed me how to manover with the stick thing, how to defend and hit out, 'stand straight and hold the staff at the bottom with one hand. And point it towards the ceeling, this is how far away we should stand from one anouther.' Nodding I did as he asked, out Staffs crossed in the middle perfectly before we lowered them. 'Hold the staff with your right had and rest it in the inner hollow of your right foot.' he intructed paitently, nodding at me after i did what he asked, excitement surged through me. He nodded at me and slowly kicked with his right foot and caught the staff with his left hand, which held the middle and the right hand still held the end. 


Slowly his Staff came down above my head and I held my staff horozontially above my head. 'Ensure you cross your feet without tripping before meeting my blow.' He informed me before going back into starting position. This time he flicked the bottom end of the Staff out and i blocked low, he leaned back or rocked back as he called it for power. My staff was completly behind my shoulder before I thrust it forward to meet his blow. The sound was extremly loud in the silent room. 'Both palms should be down in staff grip, again.' He called out this time he wasn't slow. I blocked the higher attack and the lower before meeting his third and final blow this time the sound was unbelievably louder than the last. 'Again.' He called out, starting the first blow before he even finished the move, this time he hit with a low attack and then brought his staff over his shoulder for a blow after finaly finishing with a high attack, this time though the sound didn't faze me. 


He steps back and thrusts his staff forward witht the end stricking out at my stomach, I pointed one end at the ceeling and one at the ground before turning and blocking with constant movement. He began twising his stick with trained skill, I followed his lead and stepped back awaiting his attakc. He hit from the top again, blocking was second nature now. I flicked the short end of my staff out and hit his back, the long end of his staff was still pushed to the side of mine. He turned and tried to attack the shorter side of my stick er i mean staff. I stepped with my dominate right leg forward and pushed his staff into the air. He pushed with his staff until mine was resting on the ground. I quickly moved my hands to the other side of the staff and ducked before he took my head off with the staff, he attacked my feet this time making me jump. I flicked my staff into the air and brought it down above his head stopping inches from hitting him unconsious. I stepped back and used both hands to tiwst my staff wherst he only used one. 


We practiced attack and defence for a while before he put his staff down and bowed. I did the same, 'Go out side and practice the Kata on your own.' He ordered me smiling softly, I did as he ordered. Standing outside I first practiced twisting my staff with both hands and then singulary, with all the training my balance and hand eye cordination had come leeps and bounds. I even found my self not falling over my own feet, there was something about thrusting a staff at invisible targets that was calming. 


Later that day, he called me back into the rooma and suddenly threw a punch at me. Instantly I blocked it with my wrist doing something called an egal claw - I scruntched my fingers and tensed so my whole arm was tense and ridigid. I next ridge handed him - which is where I basically chop at his neck with my hand - you could use your hand or wrist if you were too close to use your hand. I placed my body behind his and using my egal claw hand i grabbed his wrist and twisted his whole body so he fell on the floor. I knelt beside him not even breaking a sweat. Because I was much shorter than him I could thrust my hips back into the back of his knees and eaisly throw him off gard. 


He looked at me pleased with my progress. He stood up and punched me again, I dodge his arm and quickly punched him under his shoulder blade in the soft (or not so soft) muslce bellow. This time when he punched out I blocked and pushed his arm into the air and placed a strtigic kick under his chin - lowering my leg before the kick hit. 


Again he hit out and I stepped to the side and used my front right arm to push his shoulder away before hitting the muscle under his arm again. He shook out his arm as he took a step back again. 'Shift the hip and swing the whole body into it, quit hitting like a woman.' He comanded, seconds later his fist was

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