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you incarcerate? Go, let me finish my job. And you can find the location of cure in my Tab, reach them to places where I couldn’t.” Sam backed out having a penitent smile on his face. “What’s a man to a king, what’s a king to a god? I can’t reach my Baba’s level but with my queer contribution I can save people from mayhem. You are a good man, please do the needful for mankind. And donate your blood samples for further research to gain breakthrough in medical history. Goodbye, Mr. Navan.”

Navan once again tried to stop Sam, his new friend from work, who’s paranoid and puerile behaviour sometimes amused him, his nifty impressible skills in technology, all appeared to be quite flippant now. A translucent veil, behind which lied a shrewd mindset, vindictive attitude. He finally understood that Victor Samrat Ray, AKA Samurai is the final piece of this puzzle; he had injected the shelled explosives in him to demolish OKAMI. With his armour on, he cannot be killed and stopping him would be detrimental to task forces and guards of Mr. Akatomi. Sam is obdurate in his decision and no one could impede the destruction. Navan getting inside, activated the chopper engine. Once again, he looked at Sam, walking with a conceited gait.

The exodus of guests and other staffs already took place and OKAMI got short of security measures. They were frantically rushing out, leaving Armun and task force in scepticism. Failed to communicate with Navan and Sam, he was distressed and approached towards OKAMI. At that very moment the top of the skyscraper blasted, with scattering debris thrusting on ground. Searing and scalding the smouldering fire skittered down, but fortunately there’s no one inside and that left Armun totally confounded about the existence of Mr. Akatomi, Navan and Sam. No one noticed a chopper took off, increased its altitude and escaped from OKAMI, leaving a harsh reality of corporates, a truth about subjugation of physical prowess.

18 months later…

Adage Industries once again reinstated in its position of standing for the needful, in a vibrant new avatar, Victor-Adage industries. Mr. Daryll Finch CEO, has assured erecting more than 100 hospitals worldwide with free medical treatments and surgeries to the poor, keeping untainted the aspirations of Mr. Donnovan Gilman. With a deleterious obstruction of AD5 vaccine some months back including destructions of OKAMI industries and Adage, a new headquarter of Victor-Adage will be unveiled by Mr. Daryll tomorrow at Auburn, Alabama. With this generous attempt, one question arises among common, who was behind all these abominable acts? The Samurai cladded armoured one from Foresthill bridge? What was his objective? Is he the same person behind demolishing Bhavishya Industries and OKAMI too? Will he come back again?

Mr. Daryll Finch in his recent press meet, revealed the opinion behind changing the name of Adage industries. As per his statement, AD5 vaccine was the creation of Victor Jayden, a scientist from Adage Laboratories. Also, the cure for the pandemic of 2020 was his invention except he couldn’t gained that much reparations. As a cordial posthumous recognition, it was decided to add his name. However he didn’t commented on OKAMI’s progress with the AD5 vaccines to market them internationally after Mr.Akatomi suspected to be dead because of the blast. Victor-Adage industries have taken the responsibility of distributing free vaccines with the help of drones worldwide right after one month of the implosion. No definite conclusion was reached as per Mr. Daryll’s reply on taking initiatives running errands on drones, by his team.

Victor-Adage industries already got technical and logistic supports from many venerable companies except Lucatrion , EN-TRASTE and Cleocorp, after revelations of shocking truth streamed on social media about Mr. Christopher Klaud and Mr .Helmut Yaeger. Disturbing images of organ trafficking and contraband of Cryochamber corpses came into existence 3 months earlier. Mr. Aaron Dali of Cleocorp was the main culprit behind this committed the collusion of bring them in this. Mr. Christopher Klaud committed suicide in his bedroom the very next day, with mystical disappearance of Mr. Helmut Yeager. Mr.Aaron was taken into custody for further interrogation about his conspiracies. One question rises amidst all these past events. Are they interconnected somehow? Does mankind have to face outrageous cataclysms and airborne diseases like Dermatoxia? Will Zombie apocalypse take place again or its been mitigated? French prophet Nostradamus did portend a rise of ‘great evil disease that renders sufferers of ‘half dead’. Turned out to be delayed this was almost the end of the world. Will his prognostications of meteor strike and global calamities turn out to be true? We only have to form the structural unity of optimal utilisation of resources to save our mother earth. The continual existence of earth implies mankind’s existence, too.

“Hello…who’s this?”

“Helmut is in Dubai right now. I’ve sent the locations.”

“Who’s speaking?”

“That’s redundant. Find him and do whatever you wanna do with him.”

“But how did you know?”

“Same as I found the footages of organ trafficking. Let him have no mercy.”

“Navan, is that you? Are you alive? Where are you?”

“Guess it’s too tough to elude Mr. Hudson, from your clasp.”

“Won’t you come back to COD? We’ve lost all sort of contacts with you and assumed to be dead.”

“I have to live Mr. Hudson. Not for me, for others.”

“I couldn’t get that.”

“Leave it. And keep an eye on Daryll Finch too. He’ll be dead meat if he derails from whatever he was told.”

“So, it’s you, who’ve done all these errands of vaccine and reopened Adage in the name of Daryll Finch?”

“It’s Victor-Adage now.”

“You knew that scientist personally?”


“Is Sam with you? You both disappeared that day. Where are you right now?”

“He’s with me, forever. Bye, Mr. Hudson.”


Disconnecting the phone, Navan pressed the home button in his smartphone, and stared at the wallpaper. A father with his two sons with an exuberant glee facing the camera. An unconditional love, an optimistic face and a patriotic mannerism encapsulates the picture, he got from Sam’s Tab. Was Samrat correct? Are we all

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